Location: gig harbor, wa
Start/finish Date: July 2024-August 2025
Contract: $4,603,603.00
Description: This pedestrian improvement project on the east side of Burnham Drive in Gig Harbor WA. The project included clearing and grubbing as well as utility relocation to accomplish widening of the road section with bike lane and cement concrete curb, gutter, sidewalk and driveways. The project includes cast in place concrete retaining walls, installation of improved storm pipes and structures and an illumination system. The half lane will also receive an upgrade of grind and overlay with new striping permanent signing and erosion and sediment control measures. A portion of the project will also include wetland mitigation and landscaping. Last but not least, the project includes installation of a bridge to replace the current culvert drainage near 95th St. The bridge will be completed with decorative art form lined onto the surface of the traffic barriers. The creek beneath the bridge will be restored to natural streambed bottom by removing the old culvert pipe and will result in a natural bottom which will allow free flow drainage and provide habitat for aquatic species. The project will be completed over two Seasons and Season 1 will terminate once the road improvements are completed to the bridge from the south and the abutments, geosynthetic wall and fascia walls are complete. Season 2 will be reserved for excavation of the stream channel, completion of the bridge and roadway improvements north of the bridge as well as the grind and overlay for the entire project.